Hygiene routines
The BrainPOP channel on YouTube has a great video to teach young people about the importance of personal hygiene. You can watch it here:
Discuss hygiene with your young people, including how often they should bathe, wash their hair, brush their teeth, cut their nails etc.
Healthy lifestyles
Find out about healthy lifestyles with the BBC Bitesize learning videos
The Health For Kids website is a great, interactive resource to help children learn about their health and healthy lifestyles.
Help your young people to know how they feel when they are unwell (symptoms) and what they might do to feel better. Discuss basic anatomy with children so that they know what to call their different body parts when telling you or their doctor what’s wrong, and how to describe the problem.
Healthy eating
When grocery shopping, let your young people choose healthy snacks. Discuss what makes a snack healthy and help them to read the nutrition information on the product to check that it is healthy for them.

For information, ideas and recipes to help children learn how to eat well and be active, visit Change 4 Life
Emotions and stress
Encourage young people to find ways to deal with stressful situations – this might be with exercise, talking, time alone or mindfulness. Show young people how you manage your own stress.
If young people struggle to express emotion verbally, encourage them to write notes or draw pictures to let you know how they feel so that you can support them.