For online safety advice, visit CEOP’s Thinkuknow website. You will find videos, articles and advice.
Being safe when out in the community, particularly after dark, is important for everyone. The Met Police have some useful advice to reduce your risk of being a victim of street crime.
Parents and carers often worry about teenagers’ safety in the community, and about antisocial behaviour and bullying. Hampshire police have a helpful website which contains advice. It’s called Safe4Me.
If you haven’t had cycle training, you can visit the Bikeability website and identify courses in your local area. This course will help you to cycle safely on the roads.

Can you travel independently to different places in your local area? Use this activity sheet to find out where key locations are – and then travel there independently.
Teach young people to read a map and practise this skill. Can they use phone navigation to find a destination?
Barclays Life Skills series of videos are excellent for learning about clear communication, eye contact and social confidence. These can be found on YouTube. Here is an example of one:
Get teenagers to fill out forms for themselves – e.g. forms at medical appointments or when applying for part-time jobs or college places. When they get their National Insurance (NI) number through, make sure they make a note of it in a safe place (maybe in their phone notes).